All I have

Recently a dear friend and I shared a meal together. For three hours we visited— we had over two decades of life to catch up on. Our journeys with Jesus had been vastly different yet had brought us to similar points of honesty. We had both experienced pain, carried regrets and found ourselves deeply thankful…

No pretty bow

I really don’t mind being open with others about my struggles — that is, once I’ve overcome said struggles. Sharing myself in this way allows me to show enough of myself to be considered “an open person” but not be seen as too much of a mess. I am comfortable admitting my humanity if I…

Broken bottles

I really don’t like grace. Really friends, I’m just not a fan. Now wait, before you call me crazy and X the page, let me explain. Grace and I have had a deeply complicated relationship in my thirty-something years of life. At best, I’ve reluctantly invited her to sit with me and at worst, I’ve…