How it all started

Welcome! I am so glad you are here.

When I was a teenager I was convinced I had life figured out. I foolishly believed I had all the answers. When I hit my 20s I realized how foolish I had been and that now, finally, I really did have all the answers. Well, friends, I’ve journeyed well into my thirties and have come to understand that not only do I not have the answers, but I don’t even know what the questions are! I expect by my forties, I will feel even more clueless…

Okay, okay, that might be a slight exaggeration. I’m not actually going backwards in knowledge and growth. But what I have come to fully acknowledge is just how much I have left to learn.

The spiritual journey towards Jesus is filled with such joy— in the sunshine and the shadows. And that joy remains unchanged— even in the shadows.

The tighter I cling to Jesus the more my heart aches. The tighter I cling to Jesus the harder I fight against social injustices. The less I concern myself with political parties and denominations. The more desperate I become for everyone to know this love— this deep love that surpasses all others. The tighter I cling to Jesus the more I feel called to stand up for women, children, those experiencing homelessness, immigrants, people of color and LGBTQIA+ siblings, etc. The tighter I cling to Jesus the less concerned I am with portraying myself as perfect. The less concerned I am about my image at all.

Because, my friends, the tighter we cling to Jesus, the more we look like him. And Jesus died for all people. And therein lies the call that stirs deep down in corners of my soul.

Sweet Jesus and his unabashed love.

My journey over the decades has been one of shedding labels— political, religious, social, theological— and fighting tooth and nail to get to the core of who Jesus is. Who is this Jesus? In the present world, where would he stand? Who would he fight for? What would concern him? What wouldn’t concern him? Where would he spend his time? When I started asking myself these questions, my world was shaken.

For the better part of my life, I’ve relied heavily on tradition and religious platitudes to draw me closer to Jesus (it sure seemed easier than getting my hands dirty). I could write a book on my journey through all of this (and maybe someday I will!)— my missteps, my brokenness, my pride— but for now I look forward to sharing many of these things with you here on Simply Here and There.

I’ve always loved to write. It stirs my soul in a way nothing else does. I pray you are encouraged by my words and your time here with me. Together, let’s journey to the core of who Jesus is— a beacon of light for the lost, a refuge for the weary and a warrior of justice and peace.

With love,

a note: Kara is a city-loving, Indianapolis dweller. She’s been married to her darling husband for well over a decade and they have three precious children whom she homeschools.